My name is Caroline Mitic, and I am interested in the environment. I am not David Suzuki, Al Gore or Fabien Cousteau, I am a commoner like you who believes that change starts in your heart and your own personal habits. I have no education in environmental studies or even biology, but I want to prove that you don’t need formal training or a huge budget to be an environmentalist. You just need a passion and some motivation. I intend on creating awareness by sharing with you what I’m doing for the planet, and the things I struggle with. I am part of a generation of people that is so far removed from the natural world, that learning to be sustainable is like learning a new language.
The human race is a special species because we have evolved to believe that everything we need we can create on our own. What many people have forgotten or are choosing to forget, is that we require this planet to survive.
I have a passion for the environment because I believe that in order to survive we need to learn how to get along with it. Our relationship with the earth is a two-way street. That means we have to give, as well as take.